Deluded Angel

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ok I am so slacking at this blog business...............

I do apologise for my lack of updating, but here's the thing. I am as yet to start work (less than a week away now!!) which means my days consist of waking up, gym, eating, napping, and eating some more. I have a feeling that it would be mean to make everyone else as bored as I am lol. Bring on Work!! (I can't believe I just said that!)

Though part of me does feel like I am lying :) I started an accounting course. I did this in an attempt to make me look good to my future employer (yes I am trying to win valuable brownie points do we think it will help?) most probably not lol

So I gets to the classroom, and what does the first lesson consist of filling paper work which I swear I have already filled in when signing up, I feel sorry for all the trees that had to be sacrificed for mindless paper sheets. Not that I really care about saving trees.

Oh then we got a lesson on how to open the program, by double clicking on the Icon and then clicking the red cross to close it. We had to do this several times and how to print. Hmmmm I sure it will get more interesting ??????? I knew I took GCSE computers for a reason (I think not)

Though I have to say the teacher is very friendly and so are the people that make up the class, so is a case of watch this space.

oh and lets not forget the joys of driving around in a new car, I braved several width restrictions the other day and the car still has it side panelling intact :D:D:D which I am very pleased at. Though I am still to go to the petrol station to fill up. Now this could be interesting, lets just hope there will be some one there to help me :S

Right thats all for now, got the joy of shopping tommorrow, to spend money I dont have, but oh well that is what credit cards are for, to max out and then worry about it later!


Deluded Angel

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

How exciting I have a new car woo hoo :)

Yep after my little fiesta has served me well for many years it was time for it to move on, was a sad day, as I had grown quite attached to that little car :(

So as with handing back a car comes the clearing out stage. Hmmmm I found about £2.40 in change (enough for two drinks down the local pub), flyers from my first year at uni, which was 4 years ago. A hair brush I thought I had lost along with my NUS card from my first year of uni, which cost me £3 to replace!. Oh and my uni gym membership which as I lost the card I only went a grand total of twice LOL

My new car was delivered 10 mins later (talk about timing) all pretty and clean :) A sliver Audi TT coupe :):) woo hoo, I got taken through all the technical stuff I needed to know like how the lights worked and the radio and windscreen wipers etc.

I declined an escorted ride around the block thinking I would be alright to get myself back in one piece. Only problem was I could not figure out how to put the car into reverse lol I looked at the manual and that only gave advice for those with an automatic gear box (since I have a manual one I was like thanks that is so helpful) so had to ring the guy who dropped it over and feel like a very silly person when all I had to do was push down on the gear stick lol. I had a very girlie moment :)

I think me and my new car will get on very well :) now all I need is a name for it any suggestions?????

Deluded Angel

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ok just how much rubbish can one room hold!!!!!!

Right so me in my infinite wisdom decided that I was going to have a bit of a clear up and sort out of my stuff in my room. Now you must bear in mind that in the 4 years of university you can accumulate a lot of stuff!

However, today I tackled two shelves and two draws. (I know what you thinking that is not a lot to have done over the course of the day) but I had no idea of the amount I could stuff into this rather small areas!

I found items I haven't seen in years, and frankly have not got a clue why I kept it!, for example hairbands that you would only use to be cruel and emotionally damage any children you might have. (you know the ones brightly coloured with HUGE flowers on them really what was I thinking!)

Lots of coins in dominations that no longer exist all thanks to the euro, see this is why I now do not believe in putting things in a safe place, all they are good for now is to look at and remember, back in the day when you could buy things with it!

Right so I have made a promise to myself to be brutal and get rid of anything that I haven't used in the past year. So far from only doing the little part of my room I have one Black bin bag full of rubbish! If I want to be really clever I would try and sell some of it on eBay, but lets face it I have a discman accessory thing for a car (just shows how long I had it who uses discmans anymore!) which I think I purchased in 2001/2002 and I had plans to put it on eBay but alas it still sits in my room mocking me, so that ain't gonna be happening.

Oh well maybe one day I will be free of the Junk in my room, as for now the future looks bleak!

P.S. I must wish MP a very happy 23rd birthday, don't worry only another 7 years till 30! LOL I like to spread happy thoughts, hope you had a good one :)

Deluded Angel

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hmmmm having your legs smothered in gel not the nicest thing!

So I bet that got you interested (or a little grossed out!) Had the joy today of having a vascular scan done today on me legs. This is because my doctor believes that at the ripe old age of 23 I might have veracious (hmmm I hope spell check gave me the right spelling!) veins!

So I go up to the hospital and sitting in the waiting room, me being me I am a whole hour early. I get called through to the little room and told by the lady to take of jeans, socks and shoes and take a seat on the bed. I do this then just sitting there next to the machine, the little voice in my head was saying 'go on play with the buttons you know you want to' but I was a good girl and resisted! woo hoo, I being a grown up LOL

The lady comes back in, I had to stand up and then comes the icky gel which makes a rather unattractive noise when squeeze on the the little hand held device thingy (I am so technical)

Well to cut this story short the whole experience was not very pleasant 1) the gel was cold (would have been that difficult to warm it up!) 2) Is not very dignified standing there smothered in gel (people get your minds out of the gutter!)

So then I now have to wait 15 days to get the result, I tried to probe for any hint but got the usual 'Have to wait and see what the specialist say hmm I wait with baited breath.

But one good thing did come out of today I got a suit for work and looked rather grown up in it! I think I might just be able to pull of the illusion that I will know what I am doing lol

Deluded Angel

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Right here is the second installment for my Oz adventure :)

So we flew over to Cairns from Darwin, had a really early flight and had to stop down in Gove, hmmm how interesting. But I made a friend on the flight a 7 year old called Lachlan, here I was looking forward to a nice quite flight, hmm no luck fo 4 hours was spent helping to keep him entertained and watching him drink lots of tea (he said he was allowed it but i very much doubt it!) all i could think was dont be sick dont be sick!

So had the afternoon to ourselves in Cairn, our mission was to find somewhere to get a manicure and pedicure done. We found one and all i can say is i kept sitting there thinking enough with the cuticule cutting i dont want my toes to fall of, they just kept hacking away!!!

Any way the next day we went to the Rainforest station were i got to hold a Koala (though wasnt the most relaxing experience with the ranger lady shouting that we CANT MOVE!!!! whilst we holding it hmm no people skills me think)

Went on an army duck, best way I can describe it is by saying it is a huge metal boat on wheels. Saw some stinging trees and informed that some people have accidently used them as toilet paper, if you thought it happening with poison ivy was bad, this blisters and effects last for 6 months!!!!! Ouch!

We went to Port Douglas and travelled out to the Great Barrier Reef, got to go on a submersable boat, which was very cool saw all the really pretty fish and got a quick look at nemo! I attempted to snorkel but as it is their winter out there it was freezing and I have never seen so many kids in my life, and lets not mention to rather attractive full body lycra jump suits hmmmm attractive!

Next was Dunk Island, what a fanstastic place, I have to say my favourite of the islands :) got to relax by the pool and I went for a horse ride around the island and along the beach. All i can say is after and hour it was very hard to sit down for a few days!

Second Island was Hamilton Island, nothing like Dunk, this island is all built up with high rises, and everyone gets around on golf buggies, my mum kept making reference to the Prisioner lol. I had vision of me getting mowed down by one lol

On Hamilton Island we got to catch a boat over to Whithaven Beach, so we get on this ferry and travel over, we get to the beach and the man says over the speaker 'you have two options for getting to the beach 1) Swim (I dont think so!) 2) Catch a boat across either way you gonna get wet! Once over there though it was beautiful sand like talcum powder and i got to build a sand castle!! (when i say sand castle more like a big lump of sand with some twigs and leaves in it lol)

Fraser Island was my least favourite of the three island (it could be that when we got there it was pouring down and didnt stop till we left!

A good point of going there was we got to see some whales but it was a mission. Left the harbour at 8am on boat number one. So we heading out and we just stopped, the man comes over the speaker 'We are having trouble with our engines sorry no whales today' Well to say we weren't happy is an understatment. I think my mums words were 'I want to rip someones arms off' But our tour director sorted us out on a boat in the afternoon, so we head out on boat number two. Two hours after we head out we are all saying what a waste of time we not going to see anything. Then all of a sudden we see a mummy and baby jumping out of the water! was so cute. Then we saw another pod and went over to them, they were jumping and flipping fins, then all of a sudden they came right up to the boat, was one of the best things of the trip.

We are then making our way back to Sydney, we stopped at Steve Irwins Zoo, and i have to say is one of the best Zoo i have ever been to, saw Crocs, Koalas, Tasmainian Devils, Wombats, Huge turtles, Snakes and lots lots more!!!.

Well that is the main points of my trip :) now I just have to organise all my photos (all 400 of them lol )

Deluded Angel

Monday, September 11, 2006

oh well have been back in England for 5 days now after a 5 week adventure in Oz. I am still finding myself falling asleep at random times lol, hmmm might avoid driving he he

Thought I would tell all about my adventure in this blog as the likelyhood of me being able to meet up with everyone at once is unlikely (some of you have been very grown up and started work!) Me on the other hand I am trying to stay a student for a little longer :) though even i have to say sadly those days are numbered :(

Started our trip in Sydney, which is a fantastic city, though when we arrived the following day was the coldest they have had for a decade! go figure. Me and my mum had 5 days to ourselves to go exploring, got to put all those times of map reading during D of E to the test! We went to the Hyde Park convict prison, a very interesting and the same time creepy place. Saw Manly and all the surfers in the freezing cold sea water (rather them than me!!)

Started our coach trip and so this was us for the next four weeks, travelling round in a coach (not as horrible as one might think) with 5am wake up calls!!!

Barossa Valley was cool, have never seen so many grapevine ever it was just row upon row of grapes :) here we got to do some wine tasting hmmmm aussie wine is good :)

Coober Pedy, this was one of my favorite places :) is a mining town for opals, very dusty and hot. The people that live there deal with the 50 degrees celcius heat in the summer by building thier homes into hills and underground! Is so cool our hotel room was one of the underground one, there is no natural light and is pitch black when you turn out the lights. We got to go mining for opal in one of the old mines, went down with hard hat and pick in hand. I didnt find anything so just brought myself one in stead :)

Next major stop was uluru (ayers rock) which was huge!!! got to see the sunset and see the rock change colour. Went on a Harley Davison ride (I now want one!) and flew in a helicopter over the rock and the Olgas. decided not to climb it as one they dont really like you to and with one a chain fence to guide you up, hmm nah I like my life to much lol. I did however make my mum walk the base of the rock 9KM, i can not repeat what she was calling me afterwards :S

Got to go hot air ballooning at Alice Spring which was fantastic, is really quiet when you up in the air (apart from when the pilot is burning more gas!) Had to help inflate the balloon, which during this process the wind changed direction so i got engulfed by the material, a tad scary ! Once we had shifted the whole thing round and got it inflated we were up in the air and off.

Katherine, got to see some scary crocs :) rode a cruise down the river while some lady dangled meat over the edge from the top of the boat, the crocs would come over and jump out of the water to grab the meat right next to us!! very cool.

right i feel this is getting to long, so I think I will do it in instalments. As well as it is getting to the time when I start to fall asleep randomly (not always a pretty site! This is part one with part two to follow.

Deluded Angel