Deluded Angel

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ok just how much rubbish can one room hold!!!!!!

Right so me in my infinite wisdom decided that I was going to have a bit of a clear up and sort out of my stuff in my room. Now you must bear in mind that in the 4 years of university you can accumulate a lot of stuff!

However, today I tackled two shelves and two draws. (I know what you thinking that is not a lot to have done over the course of the day) but I had no idea of the amount I could stuff into this rather small areas!

I found items I haven't seen in years, and frankly have not got a clue why I kept it!, for example hairbands that you would only use to be cruel and emotionally damage any children you might have. (you know the ones brightly coloured with HUGE flowers on them really what was I thinking!)

Lots of coins in dominations that no longer exist all thanks to the euro, see this is why I now do not believe in putting things in a safe place, all they are good for now is to look at and remember, back in the day when you could buy things with it!

Right so I have made a promise to myself to be brutal and get rid of anything that I haven't used in the past year. So far from only doing the little part of my room I have one Black bin bag full of rubbish! If I want to be really clever I would try and sell some of it on eBay, but lets face it I have a discman accessory thing for a car (just shows how long I had it who uses discmans anymore!) which I think I purchased in 2001/2002 and I had plans to put it on eBay but alas it still sits in my room mocking me, so that ain't gonna be happening.

Oh well maybe one day I will be free of the Junk in my room, as for now the future looks bleak!

P.S. I must wish MP a very happy 23rd birthday, don't worry only another 7 years till 30! LOL I like to spread happy thoughts, hope you had a good one :)

Deluded Angel


At 8:29 PM, Blogger MP said...

Cheers Deluded! I am feeling 23, my bones are aching :)

Don't even talk to me about messy rooms...our whole house STILL has builders in it, it's absolute chaos. Aaargh, my delicate Virgo OCD is manifesting itself in arthiritis as a silent protest.

7 years to 30?! At the rate these kids are ageing me, I'll be 30 by half-term!

Loving the blog, keep on posting!



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